Friday, June 1

Fave Posts

I don't really know what to call this page. These are the posts that mean more to me than the 'daily blogging'. They mark either major points of my journey, major angst issues, favorite posts for a humor element, or armchair rants that I still have a strong feeling about.

Blogs tend to have so many posts over time that when someone new arrives, they can't usually read everything. I guess you could say that these are the posts I feel best define me or my views on things. At the end of each month, if there is some post(s) in that time period that I think should be here, I'll edit this page and add it. I'm posting with a few weeks back-date so it won't interfere with current blogging.


Opportunity Knocks: A Four-Part Saga (how I got here)

Pushing the Plow

The Bon-Bon Theory

Rumplestiltskin: Flax's Fairy Tale

The Body As an Elemental

10 Reasons Low Carb is "Dangerous" (Humor)

Respect for Science: The Caveat

Low Carb: Examples of My Improvements

Observations on Lowcarb Experience (ref: Carb Cycling)

That Hideous Truth (Long...)

When A Picture's Worth A Thousand Tears

But That Will KILL You!

Who Watches the Skinny?

Who Your Fat Is

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